• We are Great Place To Work-Certified!

    13/03/2023 Nadine K

    Dayalima Abisatya and all it’s family are now Great Place to Work-Certified! We hope to continue to be a home to all our Heroes. As the place to improve together, learn together, and grow together. Let this be a new wave of motivation for all of us to be the leaders of a new planet…

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  • Right to Disconnect: Step Back From Work

    30/09/2022 Daya Dimensi Indonesia

    Right to Disconnect — The Flexibility to Step Back From Work Have you ever experienced a situation where you are in the middle of your movie marathon, and you get a notification on your phone from your colleague regarding work? Or have you experienced a time when you are having a nice dinner with your…

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  • Hello Again My Ex, Not a Person but a Company

    30/09/2022 Daya Dimensi Indonesia

    Hello AgainMy Ex, Not a Person but a Company We already know the term job-hopping, a trend in recent decades for many employees. They move from one company to another in an average span of 1-3 years, looking for new challenges or benefits that increase their net worth (Sauer, 2022). We also have heard about…

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  • Hey Boss, I Give up. I’m (Quiet) Quitting!

    29/09/2022 Daya Dimensi Indonesia

    Hey Boss, I can’t do this anymore. I’m (Quiet) Quitting! The pandemic has once again reshaped our work concept, as many of us reconsider how we live and prioritize our time into a more modern work-life balance. Recently, there has been this growing culture, and we called it: quiet quitting. Some practitioners also described it…

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  • Now Playing the Gig of the Era: Gig Economy

    29/09/2022 Daya Dimensi Indonesia

    Now Playing the Gig of the Era: Gig Economy Remember when Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika (Kominfo) blocked one of the digital financial services namely Paypal? As reported by CNBC Indonesia (August, 2022), on the 29th of July, Kominfo officially blocked Paypal due to their negligence to register as a private Electronic System Operator or PSE…

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  • The Bane of Competitive Employment Landscape

    29/09/2022 Daya Dimensi Indonesia

    The Bane of Competitive Employment Landscape: Insecurity Recent time disruptions have once again reshaped the competitive landscape of employment. This nature stems from the aftermath of Great Resignation which heightened around 2021. Although the impact on Indonesia’s employment has diminished by the first quarter of 2022, it still left a visible scar on the employment…

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  • The Future of Leaders of A New Planet

    29/09/2022 Daya Dimensi Indonesia

    The Multiverse: The Future of Leaders of A New Planet within One’s Hands As the pandemic begins to recede, we are also increasingly aware of the resulting impact on every part of our lives. Today, we have more touch points and ways to engage than ever before, just like living in a multiverse. As leaders,…

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  • Sering Begadang? Kenali Tanda Bedtime Procrastination

    18/09/2022 Sandy P

    Begadang merupakan kebiasaan dimana kita terjaga sampai larut malam. Begadang biasanya dilakukan pada orang-orang yang ingin menyelesaikan pekerjaan atau aktivitas yang tidak sempat dilakukan – pada pagi sampai sore hari. Kebiasaan begadang ini, sering dilakukan oleh kebanyakan dari kita, dan sudah dianggap sebagai hal yang wajar.  Perilaku begadang bisa menjadi kebiasaan yang buruk karena rela…

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  • Pekerja: Gen-X dan Milenial dalam Satu Kantor

    27/08/2022 Sandy P

    Hi Klobbers!  Pernah kebayang gak sih makna dari kantor itu bermacam-macam? Kantor gak cuma jadi tempat kita untuk bekerja dan mencari keuntungan loh. Salah satu fungsi kantor yaitu, merupakan tempat untuk menampung generasi yang berbeda untuk bekerja sama dan berinteraksi.  Saat ini, secara demografis, banyak Generasi X dan Milenial yang bekerja di area kantor. Dengan…

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  • Manfaat Bermain dengan Kucing Saat WFH

    18/08/2022 Sandy P

    Hi Klobbers!  Apakah diantara kalian ada yang lagi stres bekerja? Atau ngerasa sendirian karena lagi Work From Home (WFH)? Kita punya tips nih buat Klobbers di rumah, untuk mengatasi rasa stres dan suntuk ketika bekerja. Tips yang mau kita bagi adalah, WFH bersama kucing! Unik banget ya kegiatan yang satu ini.  Tapi emangnya bisa ya…

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