Penipuan kerja semakin berkembang dengan waktu sehingga para pencari kerja harus lebih berhati-hati saat melamar pekerjaan. Meskipun menjadi waspada adalah hal yang baik, penting juga untuk mengetahui apa yang sebenarnya harus diwaspadai. Kenali praktik-praktik rekrutmen yang jarang diketahui ini agar tidak kehilangan peluang kerja yang berharga. Tahukah kamu? Perusahaan besar seringkali menutupi namanya dari iklan…
Klob Update: Atur Biaya Rekrutmen Dengan Token!
Proses rekrutmen online kini jauh lebih mudah dengan penggunaan Token Klob! Anda tidak perlu pusing lagi untuk memperbarui atau membatalkan langganan di setiap akhir periode. Dengan sistem token pay-as-you-go, Anda bebas mengelola pengeluaran dana sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan anggaran Anda. Daftar di Klob sepanjang bulan Februari, dan dapatkan welcome package berisi 1000 token GRATIS (senilai…
Why You Should Use an Applicant Tracking System
Is your company using an ATS? An Applicant Tracking System is a power tool for recruiters that can help streamline your recruitment process. Here are just some of the advantages to using an ATS! Start your elevated digital recruitment journey today. Join the Klob with a FREE TRIAL of one of our Subscription Packages today! Warm…
Promote Your Job Vacancies on Klob!
Why advertise your job vacancy on Klob? It’s easy, fast, and effective! Start your elevated digital recruitment journey today. Join the Klob with a FREE TRIAL of one of our Subscription Packages today! Warm Regards from the Klob Team!
Recruitment: How to Attract Gen Z Candidates
Attract more quality Gen Z talents by displaying your organisation’s strengths! Join the Klob with a FREE TRIAL of one of our Subscription Packages today! Warm Regards from the Klob Team!
Sourcing Strategies to Build that Ideal Team
Attract more quality talents by displaying your organisation’s strengths! Join the Klob with a FREE TRIAL of one of our Subscription Packages today! Warm Regards from the Klob Team!
How to Attract High Quality Talents
Attract the right people to join your team! Join the Klob with a FREE TRIAL of one of our Subscription Packages today! Warm Regards from the Klob Team!
Why You Should Consider Values-Based Hiring
Values-based hiring refers to a type of recruitment that focuses on the culture fit of candidates. It does not disregard their previous experience and skills, rather it adds the new dimension of values into the recruitment process. Take your first step into values-based hiring with Klob! Join the Klob with a FREE TRIAL of one…
Online Recruitment: Why Recruit With Klob
Need to upgrade your online recruitment? Klob can help! Make use of our tools to make your recruitment process faster, more efficient, and easier than ever! Join the Klob with a FREE TRIAL of one of our Subscription Packages today! Warm Regards from the Klob Team!
Hello Again My Ex, Not a Person but a Company
Hello AgainMy Ex, Not a Person but a Company We already know the term job-hopping, a trend in recent decades for many employees. They move from one company to another in an average span of 1-3 years, looking for new challenges or benefits that increase their net worth (Sauer, 2022). We also have heard about…