• Looking Back: The Klobber 2022 Profile

    09/01/2023 Nadine K

    ✨ The Klobber Recap Returns with our 2022 Klobber! ✨ Looking back at 2022, we have the newest Klobber profile. Does this Klobber seem familiar to you? He is an amalgamation of all our Klobber data as of December 2022. That means that you are a part of him! If you don’t see yourself in…

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  • Come and Post Your Job Vacancies on Klob!

    10/06/2022 Nadine K

    Having trouble finding the right talents to fit your team? Make use of Klob’s extensive network of 500,000+ users and university connections today and find those hidden gems! All our subscription packages come with monthly, quarterly, or yearly payment options. First time users will also receive an additional 1 month of FREE service at the…

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  • Sisa Satu Hari Lagi, Yuk Lapor SPT Secara Online!

    30/03/2022 Grego

    Hi Klobbers! Kamu sudah bekerja atau memiliki usaha? Kalau iya, berarti kamu sudah termasuk sebagai seorang wajib pajak (WP). Sebagai seorang wajib pajak, kamu memiliki tanggung jawab untuk melaporkan pajak kamu. Pelaporan wajib pajak pribadi ini juga memiliki tenggang waktu yaitu 31 Maret 2022. Jadi bagi Klobbers wajib pajak yang belup melaporkan pajaknya, kamu memilik…

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