Hai Klobbers! Mengadakan acara perusahaan adalah kesempatan untuk menunjukkan kepada karyawan bahwa kita menghargai mereka dan untuk memperkuat budaya perusahaan kita. Tentunya, acara ini akan berhasil, jika semua karyawan merasa dilibatkan dalam acara atau perayaan tersebut. Apa itu Pesta Liburan? Merencanakan acara kantor salah satunya bisa dilakukan saat ada perayaan atau hari libur. Acara ini…
The Problem of Employee-Employer Mismatch
Minimise employee mismatch through data driven processes. Join the Klob with a FREE TRIAL of one of our Subscription Packages today! Warm Regards from the Klob Team!
Gen-Z’s Well-being is Endangered by the Burnout Flare
As we move forward to the end of 2021, we highlight a concern within the workforce that is the burnout issue. The surging case is exacerbated by Gen Z’s desire for a stable job. Furthermore, the world seems to be revolving very fast as we keep on being exposed to career- themed webinars or CV-making…