• Employee Surveillance: To Have It or Not?

    30/09/2022 Daya Dimensi Indonesia

    Employee Surveillance: To Have It or Not Is a Question We Must Answer Digital monitoring, done by companies to observe their employees’ communication and web browser history, is not a new phenomenon for both employees and their employers as it has gone on for so long since years ago. However, it has become even more…

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  • Hey Boss, I Give up. I’m (Quiet) Quitting!

    29/09/2022 Daya Dimensi Indonesia

    Hey Boss, I can’t do this anymore. I’m (Quiet) Quitting! The pandemic has once again reshaped our work concept, as many of us reconsider how we live and prioritize our time into a more modern work-life balance. Recently, there has been this growing culture, and we called it: quiet quitting. Some practitioners also described it…

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  • Now Playing the Gig of the Era: Gig Economy

    29/09/2022 Daya Dimensi Indonesia

    Now Playing the Gig of the Era: Gig Economy Remember when Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika (Kominfo) blocked one of the digital financial services namely Paypal? As reported by CNBC Indonesia (August, 2022), on the 29th of July, Kominfo officially blocked Paypal due to their negligence to register as a private Electronic System Operator or PSE…

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  • The Bane of Competitive Employment Landscape

    29/09/2022 Daya Dimensi Indonesia

    The Bane of Competitive Employment Landscape: Insecurity Recent time disruptions have once again reshaped the competitive landscape of employment. This nature stems from the aftermath of Great Resignation which heightened around 2021. Although the impact on Indonesia’s employment has diminished by the first quarter of 2022, it still left a visible scar on the employment…

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  • The Future of Leaders of A New Planet

    29/09/2022 Daya Dimensi Indonesia

    The Multiverse: The Future of Leaders of A New Planet within One’s Hands As the pandemic begins to recede, we are also increasingly aware of the resulting impact on every part of our lives. Today, we have more touch points and ways to engage than ever before, just like living in a multiverse. As leaders,…

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  • The Problem of Employee-Employer Mismatch

    16/09/2022 Nadine K

    Minimise employee mismatch through data driven processes. Join the Klob with a FREE TRIAL of one of our  Subscription Packages today! Warm Regards from the Klob Team!  

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  • Get to Know the Next Generation of Professionals

    09/09/2022 Nadine K

    With Millennials moving up in the workplace, all eyes are now on the new kids on the block: Gen Z. The young generation born between the mid 90s and the mid 2000s have started entering the work force and they bring with them new skills and also new needs. Get to know their working traits…

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  • Kunci Sukses Bisnis Ritel Saat Pandemi

    05/09/2022 user

    Daya Qarsa dalam program Youtube-nya “Daya Qarsa Executive Talk” di episode tiga yang dibawakan oleh Septian Waluyan, Associate Partner Daya Qarsa, mewawancarai Bahrun Afriansyah selaku Vice President Marketing PT Paragon Technology and Innovation, membahas upaya bisnis dalam menavigasi tren dan tantangan dalam produk konsumen ritel di Indonesia.   1. Produk harus berkualitas Produk adalah salah…

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  • Strategi Meningkatkan Digitalisasi Perbankan

    05/09/2022 user

    Strategi Meningkatkan Digitalisasi Perbankan Dengan Pendekatan Segmentasi Indonesia merupakan negara dengan proporsi unbanked people terbesar ketiga di ASEAN, dimana jumlah penduduk yang tidak memiliki akses ke layanan perbankan masih cukup tinggi. Dari total populasi dewasa penduduk Indonesia, 51% diantaranya unbanked atau belum memiliki akun bank, 26% underbanked atau memiliki akun bank tetapi belum memiliki akses untuk kredit, investasi, dan asuransi, dan hanya…

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  • Create a Data Driven Sourcing Process with Klob!

    05/09/2022 Nadine K

    Source the best talents for your company with Klob! Post and promote your job vacancies on your own Employer Branding Page on the Klob platform. Search through our database of young Indonesian talents and bring them into your recruitment process. Join the Klob with a FREE TRIAL of one of our  Subscription Packages today! Warm…

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