Blog post

Suka Bekerja dengan Klien? Intip Lowongannya!


Halo Klobbers!

Ada lowongan pekerjaan baru untuk kamu yang suka bekerja berhubungan dengan klien nih!

Saat ini, PT YukYakYuk Indonesia Raya sedang membuka lowongan pekerjaan untuk posisi Client Acquisition. Mau tahu info detailnya? Yuk, simak penjelasan berikut:

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

As a client acquisition specialist, your role is to help the marketing or sales department development for potential client.

Peran dan Tanggung Jawab

  • Analyze dan manage potential client
  • Be in charge of special matters related to cooperation beetween companies and partners
  • Maintain good relationship with client / merchant
  • Call potential client in your client database to discuss opportunities for upgrading product, service or pitching the a new product


  • Minimum 1 years experience in related field
  • Max 40 years old
  • Willing to work full time (WFO)
  • Excellent presentation skills (including create ppt / canva / etc)
  • Able to work based on target
  • Minimun education D3

Untuk kamu yang tertarik, daftarkan dirimu segera dengan klik link berikut ya!

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